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Art Talk: Norway makes its mark and Icelandic Art

11 March 2024


A fascinating talk series with renowned art historian, John Francis. These talks aim to deepen your knowledge, develop your understanding and help you enjoy a greater appreciation of art.

10.30 - 12.00

£12 (£10 THG Friend). 

This talk will look at the romantic painters who, during the 19th century, captured Norway’s unique identity, myths and landscapes. Together we will explore the stunning works of JC Dahl, Nikolai Astrup, Christian Krohg and Edvard Munch.

Iceland is a country of striking beauty matched by its rich history and extensive folklore. We will explore the art and legends of this special Nordic country. The mystic painter, Johannes Kjarval, a fisherman who became the grandfather of Icelandic painting will be a key focus of the talk alongside the folklore-influenced work of sculptor Einar Jonsson. Together, we will celebrate the art of Iceland and the landscape of ice and fire.

Discover other talks in this series