
  • THG calls for unwanted clocks for art installation

    Published on 25 August 2015

    Have you got an old clock that you’d like to become part of an ambitious new art installation at East Devon’s Thelma Hulbert Gallery (THG)? After defeating other competing venues to win the chance to...

  • Thelma Hulbert Gallery staff in #THGSelfie

    THG Selfie competition launched

    Published on 28 July 2015

    Brand new signage has been erected at Thelma Hulbert Gallery, this week to draw the attention of passers by to the gallery. Angela Blackwell, THG Curator explained “Our visitors have often found it...

  • ROC Creative Samba band

    Opening of ROC Creative Exhibtion

    Published on 21 July 2015

    East Devon District Council’s public art gallery, THG  has launched a new exhibition of artwork created by adults attending ROC Creative Honiton. ROC Creative is a developmental arts project...

  • Masterpieces Youth Group at Thelma Hulbert Gallery


    Published on 1 July 2015

    Are you aged between 12 and 16? If you enjoy arts activities and experimenting, come along and have some fun at the Masterpieces group at THG. When? Every other Wednesday during term time 4.30 until...

  • Ruth Harrison

    Exhibition opportunity for SW designers and makers

    Published on 23 June 2015

    THG is currently seeking makers who produce high quality, contemporary work to show in their annual selling exhibition of contemporary craft and design. South West designers and makers interested in...

  • THG welcomes Honiton's budding creative writers

    Published on 22 June 2015

    Honiton Head teachers, teachers, governors and parents attended the final performance of the creative writing skills of Year 5 and 6 children from schools in Honiton Learning Community at the Thelma...

  • Positivopolis by Moose Allain

    Evolver Prize winner announced

    Published on 17 June 2015

    Moose Allain, a Devon-based artist, cartoonist, writer and tweeter, is this year’s winner of the Evolver Prize 2015. The winning artwork ‘Positivopolis’ is featured on the front cover of the July/...

  • WESC Foundation workshop at Thelma Hulbert Gallery

    Charity groups exhibit artwork from their workshops

    Published on 27 May 2015

    The Private View of THG's new exhibition Drop Me A Line Part 2 saw visitors and community groups coming to see the work they created, exhibited in a public art gallery alongside the work of artists...

  • THG wins top British artist

    Published on 19 May 2015

    People across Devon have backed Thelma Hulbert Gallery (THG) to help it come top in a national public vote to work with acclaimed British artist Luke Jerram. THG beat off stiff competition from major...

  • Easter Songlines workshop

    Published on 16 April 2015

    Families joined bird expert and sound recordist Tony Whitehead to listen to and record birdsong at the local Devon Wildlife Trust reserve on Dumpdon Hill during the Easter holidays. The children then...