
Creative Cabin Shorts

CREATIVE CABIN SHORTS are a series of short videos highlighting the inspiring art and nature activities which would have taken place in our touring cabin. Working with SW artists, rangers and practitioners, CREATIVE CABIN SHORTS connect to nature and the landscapes around us. We hope to offer you some enjoyment and light relief at this time; dedicated to all the extraordinary employees across the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust, NHS staff and key workers across the region.
Following NATURE SHORTS and MAKERS SHORTS, these shorts are delivered in partnership with Wild East DevonEast Devon District Council, and the Blackdown Hills and East Devon AONBs. Watch out for a new SHORT every Wednesday through lockdown.

Maker Shorts

Following THG's popular NATURE SHORTS series, MAKER SHORTS highlight the skill and practice of makers in THG's Present Makers 2020 exhibition. A new MAKER SHORT was introduced every Wednesday throughout the exhibition on our website and social media.

Nature Shorts

When THG closed during Lockdown 1, we teamed up with East Devon AONB to share NATURE SHORTS: an online series showcasing art practices to inspire, build creativity and deepen our connection with nature.

NATURE SHORTS explored how we can connect with nature, particularly during a period of isolation, sharing different artistic approaches to land and space. The highlighted artists worked across a range of materials and processes including land art, photography, printmaking and performance.