"I felt urged after swimming in the winter months to write about how it feels to be on the edge and within the cold water. Sea swimming has given me a sense of courage and well-being whilst in these uncertain times. Within this piece of writing I wanted to try and untangle these emotions in a positive, present way. Whilst working as a professional photographer and filmmaker, I work also collaboratively with writers and poets across the country helping to visualise ideas."
CREATIVE CABIN SHORTS are a series of short videos highlighting the inspiring art and nature activities which would have taken place in our touring cabin.
Working with SW artists, rangers and practitioners, CREATIVE CABIN SHORTS connect to nature and the landscapes around us. We hope to offer you some enjoyment and light relief at this time; dedicated to all the extraordinary employees across the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust, NHS staff and key workers across the region.
Watch out for a new SHORT every Wednesday through lockdown