

THG Selfie competition launched

Published on: 
28 July 2015

Brand new signage has been erected at Thelma Hulbert Gallery, this week to draw the attention of passers by to the gallery.

Angela Blackwell, THG Curator explained “Our visitors have often found it hard to find the gallery. We have listened to this feedback and we are thrilled that we can finally make the gallery more visible. It was particularly important to have the signs up in time for the tourist season to encourage new visitors to our exhibitions and workshops over the Summer.”

The most eye-catching sign leads from Lace Walk. With a nod to the artistic spirit of THG, it represents an antique gold picture frame, which perfectly frames the gallery in the distance.

THG has today announced a competition where visitors are encouraged to take a ‘selfie’ photo in the frame and either tweet or post their photos to Instagram with the hashtag #THGselfie.The winner will receive a beautiful mounted artwork. Entrants must follow @ThelmaHulbertGallery so they can be advised if they have won. Deadline for posting is 29 August.

Press coverage 

Press coverage 2

Thelma Hulbert Gallery staff in #THGSelfie